Pillow Cover Price. Best Mulberry silk pillowcases & Scrunchies at best price.
Pillow Cover Price 100% Pure Silk.
Skin Care Benefits Of Sleeping On A Silk Pillow covers
Silk is naturally hypoallergenic. It is also reported to provide relief for those with skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis, and because it is so gentle on the skin it can be very beneficial for those who are undergoing chemotherapy and have very sensitive skin as a result of their treatment.Pillow Cover Price only at ubersilk.

The Worlds Best 100% Mulberry Silk
So you’re convinced, and decide to go ahead and order yourself a silk pillowcase to two. What do you choose? Is all silk made equal? The answer, of course, is no. Silk can vary tremendously in quality. So how do you know what to look for?Pillow Cover Price.
There are two main factors. One is the weave. A charmeuse weave is the best weave used in making silk because it gives such a smooth and lustrous surface. This is all the better to rest sensitive skin or flyaway, frizzy hair on because it reduces friction.Ubersilk provides best in class pillow cover design.
The other thing to consider is the ‘momme’ count. Like a thread count as applied to cotton, the momme count gives an indication of the thickness of the material. A higher momme count is generally better, with 22 being the absolute ideal for bedlinen.
At UBERSILK, we only use charmeuse 19 & 22 momme 100% Mulberry silk. The most luxurious silk you can buy.

Sleep On Pure Luxury
Putting skin and hair care benefits to one side for a moment, consider the pure luxury of sleeping on silk. Silk looks the part – it has a very becoming satin sheen to its surface, making it look just as luxurious as it feels Ubersilk provides best in class pillow cover design.
Then, there’s the actual feeling of high quality, pure silk on the skin. Once people have experienced sleeping on silk, Pillow Cover Price, they often report having no intention of ever going back to cotton or man-made fabrics, which they often describe as ‘scratchy’ or ‘rough’ in comparison. Pillow Cover Price starts from rs 1399- rs2849
Benefits Of Sleeping On A Silk Pillowcase
- Machine washable at 30 degrees
- Quick drying
- Bed mite repellant
- Good quality silk is long lasting
- Hypoallergenic
- Suitable for sensitive skin
- Hydrating
- Anti-ageing benefits
- Cooling in summer
- Warming in winter
- Less absorbent than cotton
- Feels luxurious to sleep on
- Inflammable
- Reduces hair frizz
A 100% Mulberry silk pillowcase has added beauty benefits like reducing fine lines and wrinkles. As you move around in your sleep cotton fabric catches your hair resulting in you waking up with frizzy hair. Silk allows your hair and skin to glide over the pillow so when you wake up you don’t have frizzy bed head.
Ubersilk provides best in class pillow cover design.
Best Pillow Cover Price Only at Ubersilk.

Silk Pillowcase – GOld
A pillowcase with 100 percent natural silk fibers that allow hair to glide smoothly over the surface, preventing friction, which causes breakage, frizz, and bedhead.

Silk Pillowcase – Black
A pillowcase with 100 percent natural silk fibers that allow hair to glide smoothly over the surface, preventing friction, which causes breakage, frizz, and bedhead.

Silk Pillowcase – White
A pillowcase with 100 percent natural silk fibers that allow hair to glide smoothly over the surface, preventing friction, which causes breakage, frizz, and bedhead.

Silk Pillowcase – Blue
A pillowcase with 100 percent natural silk fibers that allow hair to glide smoothly over the surface, preventing friction, which causes breakage, frizz, and bedhead.

Silk Pillowcase – Pink
A pillowcase with 100 percent natural silk fibers that allow hair to glide smoothly over the surface, preventing friction, which causes breakage, frizz, and bedhead.