It is the smartest thing you can do for your own health to create a bedtime routine. Instead of running around in a mental overload, it is possible to slow down and concentrate on the important things.
A bedtime routine can be a great benefit because it is tailored to your needs. Research has shown that insomnia is the leading cause of sleep problems. Sleep anxiety can be caused by stress from both a hectic workday or a personal life. Your body will feel relaxed if you have a routine for bedtime. Your body should feel ready to go when you’re done.
To help you sleep, here are some bedtime routines for adults
We’ve compiled our top picks for bedtime routines because no two are alike. Continue reading to find inspiration for creating your bedtime routine.
You should find your bedtime routine easy and about taking care of you. Although it may take some time for the routine to become habitual, be patient. Even though weekends can be hectic with evening activities and social events, a simple nightly routine can make a big difference in your sleep quality.
Amazingly Simple Bedtime Routines to Simplify Your Life
- Set an alarm to signal bed preparation
Your bedtime routine should be established at the same time every night. An Android mobile app or iPhone sleep timer can be used to set an alarm or notify on your phone. This will signal you that it is time to unplug your phone and get started with your bedtime routine.
- Eat light and healthy before you go to bed
Drinking alcohol before bed and eating late can lead to unhealthy sleeping habits that lead to weight gain. To improve your sleep quality and metabolism, limit your eating time to 10 hours per night. To boost your melatonin levels, eat healthier foods like yogurt and nuts if you feel the need to snack late at night.
You could be hurt by a nightcap or treat after work. Drinking alcohol can cause you to feel sleepy. The effects fade quickly and can lower melatonin levels. This can disrupt your circadian rhythm and delay REM sleep. When used in a nightly routine, the tolerance will increase, which means that you may need to drink more alcohol to achieve a feeling of drowsiness.
- Create a pre-bedtime playlist
A bedtime playlist can be a great way to start letting go mental attachments. Studies in psychology have shown that music can be used to improve sleep quality and encourage sleep. One study found that 62 percent of participants used music to reduce stress in their sleep routines.
Music, especially classical music, can help you sleep. However, don’t feel pressured to listen to one genre. You can try jazz, bossa nova, and R&B. It should be a part of your daily routine so that you can sleep better.
There are many new audio sleep aids trends that can do the same job as music. Color noises can be described as audio-engineered soundwaves that emit frequencies which interact with the brain. White noise, for example, looks like snow on a TV screen. Pink noise is more gentle than rain or snow. Brown noise is deeper and more soothing than the ocean.
These frequencies can slow down thoughts, relax muscles, and help with anxiety. You can download a color noise app or browse YouTube for other color noise channels. Put on your headphones and slide into bed.
- To Hibernate, lower the lights and the thermostat
The body’s temperature is controlled by the circadian rhythm. It runs at 98.6 degrees. A good temperature to sleep is 65 degrees. Your body will adjust to the lower temperature, and you will feel more sleepy.
Bright lights can be turned off or reduced to aid in this process. We know that bright light before bedtime can affect the circadian rhythm. Your circadian rhythm will be set by creating a comfortable, dark and cool sleeping environment.
A sound sleep routine will make you look forward to the night. You will feel the results tenfold once you make it a regular habit.
- Relax in the Shower or Bath to Get Rid of Stress
A bath or shower one to two hours before going to bed can lower your body temperature and promote healthy sleep. Even if you don’t bathe every day, it is a good way to get rid of the stress from the day.
You’re likely to be rushed in the morning so showering at night will allow you to take your time. To help calm your mind and relax your body, you can take a sleep aid before you get into the bath or shower.
- Harmful blue rays
Blue light from laptops, smartphones, and TV screens stimulates the body’s internal rhythm (circadian rhythm). This keeps you awake until the time it’s bedtime.
Studies have shown that blue light exposure before bed can cause sleeplessness and delayed REM sleep. It is recommended that screens be turned off between 30 and 45 minutes before you go to bed. There is a fine line between technology and sleep when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. You should wait until the morning to check your Instagram or binge-watch Netflix. They won’t be going anywhere.
- A To-Do List Can Reduce Anxiety
To-do lists can help you stop worrying about the future. Writing at bedtime is a way to organize your thoughts and relieve anxiety. You’ll have an agenda ready for the next day when you get up in the morning.
A longer writing session might be a good idea if you are looking for mental cleansing before bed.
- Keep a journal to record your thoughts
Journaling can be good for your mental health. It reduces stress and helps you recall good ideas before bed. It doesn’t take long to write a novel, but it is possible to address thoughts and emotions you have been putting off all day. Make chamomile tea, pour it into a mug and then put pen to paper. You may be amazed at the number of lines that you can fill by taking between 10 and 15 minutes.
- You can relax your muscles with a quick foam rolling or yoga session
Foam rolling and yoga for sleeping will help you relax and ground your body before going to bed. They slow down the mind and body, reduce tension, and improve your sleep quality.
Foam rolling
Foam rolling, also known by myofascial relief or trigger point therapy can reduce stiffness and muscle soreness. It works in the same way as a massage to relax tight muscles and increase blood flow. In no time, you’ll be as stiff as a board and as flexible as a ball of putty.
Yoga is the best grounding practice. Poses like Adho Mukha Svanasana, cat-cow (Chakravakasana), and child’s pose Balasana help relieve stress from the lower back, shoulders, and hamstrings. You may find that your muscles are tighter in other positions. Listen to your bedtime playlist, and concentrate on breathing and calming yourself.
- Enjoy a warm drink to cap off the night
Warming up with a cup of tea or a favorite beverage is a great way to get into the bed-time mood. For centuries, chamomile tea has been used to treat insomnia and sleep disorders. Warm milk can be a great way to encourage sleep for children. Chamomile is the best choice for adults at bedtime.
Turmeric is a superfood which can help you sleep, combat depression, inflammation and provide pain relief. You can find the herb at your local grocery store or farmer’s market. You might find turmeric a bit bitter so make a sweetener like turmeric golden milk for your bedtime.
- Aromatherapy and essential oils can open up your senses
Aromatherapy and essential oils can be used to reduce stress. The oil is made from various parts of flowers. It has soothing scents. These oils can be used on the skin or diffused using a diffuser.
Essential oils are often used by intensive care patients as an alternative to sleeping medications. However, they can also be used regularly for bedtime. Before you crawl under the covers, put a few drops of lavender or cedar in your diffuser.
Aromatherapy and essential oils may not be for everyone, particularly if you are allergic or sensitive to smells, but it is worth trying.

What length should my bedtime routine be?
You should allow 30-60 minutes for your bedtime routine. This will allow you to relax without feeling rushed. Consistency is the goal. This will help you to sleep better and increase productivity.
A study showed that children who had a consistent nighttime routine experienced a better mood. This can be translated into a bedtime routine for adults, and you will notice improvements in your mental or emotional state.
A bedtime routine is a great way to unwind and close your day. After you have relaxed, get on your bed and rolled out of bed.
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